The Building Products Industry Council (BPIC), Lendlease, GS1 Australia and DesignPave hosted an exclusive briefing for over 100 building products industry managers and executives about how to deal with a rapidly changing building product supply chain regime. The audience was challenged to re-evaluate its approach to sales, marketing, product testing, certification, and regulatory compliance processes. Attendees heard about the insurance and regulatory pressures that are forcing specifiers to require more robust compliance and general product data, in new formats and timeframes from product suppliers.
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Disaster Recovery
Disaster Recovery: An update of progress on the Building Confidence Report, Implementation Plan and what it means for building product suppliers and regulators charged with overseeing compliance. | BRONWYN WEIR – Managing Director at Weir Legal and Consulting
Accountability, stupid
What effect has the insurance crisis had on the building surveyor profession and what do building surveyors now want from suppliers in terms of evidence of suitability? How can suppliers make this process easier. | JILL BROOKFIELD – Chief Executive Officer of the Association of Accredited Certifiers (AAC)
My insurance premium is HOW MUCH?
What is the likelihood of cladding liability and building risk flowing on to other product liability insurance? Can suppliers with a sound track record, accredited robust certification, proven installation methods and commitment to getting it right, be recognised as low risk by the insurance industry? | CHRIS BOVILL – Managing director at Bovill Risk & Insurance Consultants
Specifying for keeps
Building excellence relies on quality design, compliant products, committed builders, procurement excellence and effective communications – all necessary in concert to create the safe, sustainable and enduring buildings our communities deserve. What can suppliers do to support architects to ensure design and specification achieve best outcomes into the future? | JULIA CAMBAGE – Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Institute of Architects
New legal issues facing suppliers
Exploring the Lacrosse court decision and the broader legal implications of the Grenfell, Lacrosse, NEO 200 apartments, Opal Tower, Mascot Tower and the Shergold-Weir Report for the building product industry. | DAVID BANNERMAN -Principal at Bannermans Lawyers
What do I need to do to sell my product in Australia?
With ongoing changes to the NCC Evidence of Suitability requirements and new product conformity/labelling regulations, the product testing and certification process has become very complex. Developing trusted evidence of conformity and providing confidence to the marketplace is more challenging than ever. | MARK BURGESS – Director of Technical Services at CSIRO
Quality is not a dirty word
Demonstrating how delivering quality products mitigates project risk and can bolster a supplier’s competitive position as well as
what steps manufacturers can take to improve the visibility of their supply chain integrity. | CHRIS BULMER – Chair of the Institute of Quality Construction
Getting Specified in a Digital World So That Products ‘Stick’ to Projects
Strategies that embed digital product specification throughout the project life-cycle, combat substitution and enable validation: What are the opportunities? Who’s creating the demand? Who’s already using it and how? What technologies can help? | DAVID MITCHELL – Chairperson of buildingSMART Australasia
An advanced software tool making it easier to design segmental and permeable pavements. | MICHAEL KOUNGRAS – Senior Structural Engineer, Think Brick Australia