Scott Munter
BPIC Chair

The Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia
The SRIA is Australia’s leading non-profit Institute for reinforcing steel.
- Supports Australian capability and quality
- Offers practical solutions to the Australian building industry
- Disseminates knowledge via publications, seminars, research and tours
- Educates University undergraduates nationally
- Provides technical support
- Contributes to Australian codes, standards and regulations

Allen Mitchell
BPIC Deputy Chair

Insulated Panel Council Australasia Ltd (IPCA)
The Insulated Panel Council Australasia Ltd (IPCA) is the peak industry body for manufacturers, installers and distributors of insulated panel products, including Insulated Sandwich Panel (ISP), in Australasia. IPCA is a not-for-profit organisation and is represented on various Australian Standard Committees.
In an Australian first, IPCA has developed and implemented the IPCA Industry Code of Practice (the CODE), which is endorsed by the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC). IPCA continues to administer the CODE and incorporated IPCA Panel Certification Scheme with a view to ensuring safety and uniformity within the industry.

Clinton Skeoch
BPIC Company Secretary

Australian Glass and Windows Association
The Australian Glass and Window Association (AGWA) is the peak association representing over 1000 member companies covering window manufacturers, glass manufacturers, glass processors, merchants, glaziers and suppliers of supporting machinery, services and materials. We endorse compliant, sustainable and fit-for-purpose products and provide services to members that support their efforts to operate successfully.

Cathy Inglis |

Think Brick Australia
Think Brick Australia is the peak body representing Australia’s brick industry and is funded by the clay brick and paver industry nationally. Think Brick Australia is responsible for the development and dissemination of research and the nurturing and promotion of great brick design while undertaking advocacy on behalf of their members in dealings with Government, industry and the media

Mark Cain

The Australian Steel Institute (ASI)
The Australian Steel Institute (ASI) is the peak industry body for steel in Australia. It promotes the use of Australian steel in manufacturing and construction, with a specific vision to influence profitable growth for the complete Australian steel value chain. The ASI promotes increased use of Australian steel and improved industry competitiveness by providing representation, technical and marketing leadership, industry development and an independent industry forum.
ASI represents all the major sectors within the steel value chain including the two major manufacturers, BlueScope Steel and OneSteel, as well as their Distribution channel members and also Fabricators, Detailers, Designers, Engineers, Architects and many others who service the industry. The ASI has offices in all major capital cities and provides a comprehensive variety of services.

Michael Kilgariff

Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia (CCAA)
Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia (CCAA) is a not-for-profit organisation established in 1928 and committed to serving the Australian construction community. CCAA is acknowledged nationally and internationally as Australia’s foremost cement, concrete and aggregates information body – taking a leading role in market development, education and training, research and development, technical information and advisory services, and being a significant contributor to the preparation of Codes and Standards affecting building and building materials.
CCAA’s principal aims are to protect and extend the uses of cement, concrete, and aggregates by advancing knowledge, skill and professionalism in Australian concrete construction and by promoting continual awareness of products, their energy efficient- properties and uses and the contribution the industry makes towards a better environment.

Cathy Inglis |

Concrete Masonry Association of Australia (CMAA)
Concrete Masonry Association of Australia (CMAA) is a national organisation funded by the Australian concrete masonry industry to extend and improve the masonry market in Australia.
Members and their customers benefit from the technical manuals and data sheets published by the CMAA which are mostly free on its web site. The Association also conducts conferences and courses, provides a technical advisory service for the construction industry and other users of concrete masonry products, and represents the industry on national issues, especially in technical marketing areas.

Gavin Matthew

The Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia Ltd (EWPAA)
The Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia (EWPAA) is a member association for manufacturers of engineered wood products (EWP), particularly solid timber, plywood, laminated veneer lumber, glue laminated timber, cross laminated timber, particleboard, and medium density fibreboard. The EWPAA was established in 1934 and has a proud history of representing our renewable and innovative industry sector.
EWPAA has developed and maintains a high level of respect across the broad range of its members and clients both domestically and internationally. On behalf of our member companies and clients, we coordinate a broad market development program which involves product certification and testing, standards development, research and development facilitation, and technical support. EWPA’s focus is to assist in maximising the medium to long term financial benefits to all members and clients. This focus is to be achieved by using the EWPAA as a vehicle to provide those collaborative activities/functions which none of its industry members, as individual corporations, can effectively provide for themselves.

Garry Kwok

The Gypsum Board Manufacturers of Australasia
The Gypsum Board Manufacturers of Australasia, founded in 2000, was formed with the aim of advancing the development of the gypsum wallboard industry in Australasia. The Group comprises the five existing manufacturers who act on a co-operative basis in the areas of safe work practices, industry capability and sustainability.

Janine Strachan

Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand
ICANZ works closely with members and allied organisations both locally and oerseas to provide better data and cost-effective, energy efficient solutions for buildings.
The issues of energy supply, energy efficiency, climate change and sustainability are now high on the agendas of Governments, Councils and Industry. Insulation has an important role to play to address these issues.

Cathy Inglis

Australian Roof Tile Association
The ARTA is an incorporated association consisting of concrete and terracotta roofing tile manufacturers and persons with an interest in the roofing tile industry.
The ARTA manufacturing member companies are responsible for the installation of about 60 per cent of the tiled roofs in Australia. Among them are some of Australia largest companies; Boral Limited, Brickworks Limited, CSR Limited and the BGC Group. Of the remaining 40 per cent, the vast majority are supplied and installed by ARTA associate members.