Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia
CCAA’s principal aims are to protect and extend the uses of cement, concrete and aggregates by advancing knowledge, skill and professionalism in Australian concrete construction and by promoting continual awareness of products, their energy efficient properties and uses and the contribution the industry makes towards a better environment.
Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia (CCAA) is the peak national body representing the interests of Australia’s seven billion dollar a year heavy construction materials industry.
The Construction Materials Industry is vital to the Australian economy.
Generating some $7.2 billion in revenues and directly employing over 18,000 Australians right across the country, the construction materials industry is central to Australia’s $172 billion building and construction industries, a powerhouse of the Australian economy. As such cement, concrete and quarry products form a vital and enduring foundation to Australia’s built environment.
Our members
CCAA’s members are involved in:
- Extraction and processing of quarry products.
- Production and supply of cement and and supplementary materials.
- Production and supply of premixed concrete.
- Supply of associated plant and equipment.
What we do
CCAA’s principal functions are:
We represent the views of our members to governments and the wider community on a range of issues – including resource access and security, transport, workplace health and safety and the environment.
We also play an active role in the development of industry standards and codes.
CCAA researches and publishes its own technical bulletins and case studies, many of which are freely available on our website, ccaa.com.au. We also publish the highly regarded industry publication, C+A magazine, which showcases projects that demonstrate the enduring benefits of concrete.
We support decision-makers in the construction industry by providing practical assistance and advice.
Our qualified staff work directly with engineers, architects and builders around Australia to help maximise the benefits of using concrete.
Our staff members have experience in a range of engineering and architectural disciplines and concrete applications, including:
- The design and construction of infrastructure projects including roads and pavements, bridges, rail, airports and port projects.
- Commercial buildings.
- Medium-density and residential housing.
- Decorative concrete finishes.
We promote our members’ products and services through a range of market development activities.
These include projects to identify and develop new market opportunities, initiatives to protect existing markets and media relations activities.
We also support a number of industry programs including CCAA’s own Environment, Health & Safety Awards, the Construction Material Industry Dinners, the Environmental Management Seminar, the Annual Quarrying Safety & Health Seminars, as well as Industry Breakfasts and the biennial Construction Materials Industry Conference. CCAA is also a principal partner of the 2016 and 2017 Australian Urban Design Awards.
Where we’ve come from
CCAA has been serving the Australian construction industry since 1928.
In 2003 we underwent a major reformation, broadening our membership beyond the cement industry to embrace the extractive and premixed concrete industries.
Today, CCAA’s membership is drawn from across the spectrum of the heavy construction materials industry and includes all major industry players.
Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia
Level 10,163-175 O’Riordan Street
T: +61 (2) 9667 8300
W: www.ccaa.com.au
E: [email protected]